


Write a JUnit test method corresponding to the test case specified for Test 1 in Table 2. Note the following:
◦ This specification is based on Figure 9 of the Appendix.
◦ Your test method should check everything that is explicitly included in the Expected result section of the table and nothing else. (In Table 2 it is implicit that the state of the rest of the TMA 03 16 system remains unchanged as a result of the message being sent
– you are not expected to check any other aspect of this.)
◦ You should use the specified Loan constructor directly in order to create the required Loan object for the fixture.
◦ You can use any valid values for attributes not specified in Table 2.
◦ You can assume that all other methods specified in the structural model in the Appendix have been implemented.
◦ All assertions that you use should include appropriate text indicating what should have happened.
◦ The test method should be self-contained – it should not rely on a setUp() method. In respect of the classes of the implementation model, the test method should invoke only the methods and constructors that are specified in the Appendix.
Submit the complete body of the JUnit test method, not including the
test annotation and header, as your answer to this part. You are not required to provide Javadoc or any other comments.