Work Shown



1. Verify the identity. Show your work.

cot θ • sec θ = csc θ

2. A gas company has the following rate schedule for natural gas usage in single-family residences:

Monthly service charge                  $8.80

Per therm service charge

1st 25 therms                                    $0.6686 / therm

Over 25 therms                 $0.85870 / therm

What is the charge for using 25 therms in one month? Show your work.

What is the charge for using 45 therms in one month? Show your work.

Construct a function that gives the monthly charge C for x therms of gas.

  1. The wind chill factor represents the equivalent air temperature at a standard wind speed that would produce the same heat loss as the given temperature and wind speed. One formula for computing the equivalent temperature is:

where v represents the wind speed (in meters per second) and t represents the air temperature. Compute the wind chill for an air temperature of 15 ºC and a wind speed of 12 meters per second. (Round the answer to one decimal place.) Show your work.

  1. Complete the following:

(a) Use the Leading Coefficient Test to determine the graph’s end behavior.

(b) Find the x-intercepts. State whether the graph crosses the x-axis or touches the x-axis. Show your work.

(c) Find the y-intercept. Show your work.

  1. For the data set shown by the table,

  2. Create a scatter plot for the data. (You do not need to submit the scatter plot)

  3. Use the scatter plot to determine whether an exponential or a logarithmic function is the best choice for modeling the data.

Number of Homes Built in a Town by Year

Year                      Number of Homes

1985                     12

1991                     91

1994                     145

1997                     192

2002                     224

(a) Scatter plot:

(b) The graph appears to be leveling out as the year increases beyond the year 2000. This is characteristic of a logarithmic function, where the difference from year to year is diminishing. An exponential curve would have an increasing difference from year to year.

  1. Verify the identity. Show your work.

(1 + tan2 u)(1 – sin2 u) = 1

  1. Verify the identity. Show your work.

cot2 x + csc2 x = 2csc2 x – 1

  1. Verify the identity. Show your work.

1 + sec2 x sin2 x = sec2 x

  1. Verify the identity. Show your work.

cos(α – β) – cos(α + β) = 2sin α sin β

  1. The following data represent the normal monthly precipitation for a certain city.

               Month, x                             Normal Monthly Precipitation, inches

January, 1                           3.91

February, 2                         4.36

March, 3                             5.31

April, 4                 6.21

May, 5                                 7.02

June, 6                                7.84

July, 7                                  8.19

August, 8                            8.06

September, 9                     7.41

October, 10                       6.30

November, 11                   5.21

December, 12                    4.28

Draw a scatter diagram of the data for one period. (You do not need to submit the               scatter diagram).

Find the sinusoidal function of the form y = A sin(ω x – ϕ) + B that fits the data.        Show your work.

  1. The graph below shows the percentage of students enrolled in the College of Engineering at State University. Use the graph to answer the question.

Does the graph represent a function? Explain.

  1. Find the vertical asymptotes, if any, of the graph of the rational function. Show your work.

  1. The formula A = 118e0.024t models the population of a particular city, in thousands, t years after 1998. When will the population of the city reach 140 thousand? Show your work.

  2. Find the specified vector or scalar. Show your work.

  3. Find the exact value of the trigonometric function. Do not use a calculator.

  4. Find the x-intercepts (if any) for the graph of the quadratic function:

6x2 + 12x + 5 = 0

  1. Use the compound interest formulas A = Pert and A = P(1 + r/n)nt to solve.

  2. Find the function f and g so that h(x) = (f ° g)(x)

  3. Begin by graphing the standard absolute value function f(x) = |x|. Then use transformations of this graph to describe the graph of the given function.

  4. Find the reference angle for the given angle. Show your work.
